The General Manager/CEO of the National Theatre, Prof Sunday Ododo, fsonta, fta, fsna, fana, fnipr, FNAL, had a courtesy visit and working meeting with the Bulgarian Ambassador to Nigeria, Yanko V. Yordanov on how to foster the relationship between Nigeria and Bulgaria through culture and human capacity development.
The GM/CEO, appreciates the Bulgarian Government for her active participation in Nigeria’s developmental strides and informs him about the National Theatre readiness to partner with the Bulgarian embassy on culture and creative industries.
He encourages them to strengthen this bond, through active participation in the activities currently ongoing at the National Theatre, especially in the National Theatre Festival of Unity and Fashion Expo.
Yanko Yardanov appreciates the GM/CEO, and states the embassy’s interest in carrying out a tour of the National theatre after renovation. Also, Bulgaria is embarking on a documentary project to document the Bulgaria Sports and Culture Palace and the National Theatre that share similar design. He further states the Bulgarian Government’s interest in working with the Nigerian Government on issues relating to creativity is to encourage private initiatives.
The meeting ended with the diplomats’ mutual agreement on working towards promoting cultural exchange between the two cultural institutions.

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