In marking the world Children’s Day 2024, this May 27, the National Theatre and Footprints of David collaborated to celebrate the day. The event which held at the Seaside Cottage Theatre, Bariga served to strengthen the productive relationship between the two organisations. Children actors from the Footprints of David performed a Nigerian theatre classic “Moremi”. The performance was followed by a panel discussion on the lessons of the Play.
On the panel was Mrs. Awele Onuorah who represented Mrs Tola Akerele, GM/CEO of National Theatre. Mrs. Awele Onuorah opined that “Moremi is an enigma and people have different perspective of her, it is said that Moremi liberated the Ife people from almost 300 years of oppression.” Mrs Tola Akerele’s goodwill speech was read to the audience by the Coordinator of P&TTS of the NT, Mrs. Awele Onuorah.
The speech focused on the importance of theatre training to education. In the speech, Mrs Akerele commended the Footprints of David for its charitable work alongside the theatre aspect of its operations.
She also reiterated her commitment to foster the relationship between the National Theatre and the Footprints of David.
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