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  • Email: ict.nationaltheatre@gmail.com
  • Nice Name: admin
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  • Registered On :2019-03-02 15:37:29
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admin Posts

National Theatre Festival of Unity2021-events-sliding
blog NationalTheatre GMCEO awarded Fellow ANA
History was made on  Saturday,  6th November,  2021 as the workaholic Erudite scholar of International repute, the GM/CEO National Theatre Nigeria, Prof Sunday Enessi Ododo, fsonta, fta, fsna, FNAL, received yet another prestigious Fellowship Award of the Association of Nigerian Authors. VISIT Our FB for more.. The awardees being the
As the National Theatre celebrates 45 years of official opening, …the Management led by Prof. Sunday E. Ododo, fsonta, fta, fsna, FNAL, GM/CEO organized a multifaceted celebration. There was an Anniversary Lecture delivered by Prof. Tunji Azeez; “Hot seat”- moderated by Prof. Duro Oni- where the GM/CEO fielded questions from
First ever National Theatre Play Reading holding inside the Queen AMINA Garden of National Theatre. “Justice to the Swine” by Dr. Abayomi Agboade A. A Whole new experience Let’s go social Start from: http://web.facebook.com/nationaltheatrenigeria
NANTAP- National Association of Nigeria Theatre Arts Practitioners Has Awarded Prof. Sunday E. Ododo, fsonta, FNAL the highest title in the Association- fta- Fellow of Theatre Arts. The letter from the body reads in part “the Executive Council is honoured to convey to you the approval…your nomination for the conferment

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